Key rules to follow when claiming entertainment expenses this Christmas!
At this time of year there are plenty of expenses being incurred for staff in the way of Christmas parties and other activities. What can you claim and how should you treat these expenses?
Firstly, an entertainment expense is business-related if you spend the money to help your business earn income otherwise it’s private and you cannot claim it as a tax deduction.
For example, both entertaining an existing or potential business contact or holding an event for employees are business-related activities.
Here are the key Christmas related rules:
Staff Christmas Parties
Staff Christmas parties on or off the premises are 50% deductible as entertainment. GST can be claimed on this 50%. The other 50% is treated as non-deductible entertainment and no GST claim can be made. The same rules apply if it is a party for clients.
Christmas Gifts to Staff
Gifts to staff are 100% deductible, however depending on the value of these, FBT may be payable. There is an annual exemption of the lower of $1,200 per employee ($300 per quarter, if FBT is paid quarterly) or $22,500 per employer.
Transport to Christmas Parties Costs
Transport costs provided to employees to attend Christmas parties is 100% claimable, however FBT may be payable as mentioned above.
Christmas Gifts to Clients
Christmas gifts to clients are 50% deductible.
Charitable Christmas Entertainment to the Public
Entertainment provided to the public for charitable purposes, e.g. donating food to a children’s hospital Christmas party, is fully deductible.
Christmas Morning/Afternoon Teas
Light refreshments, like morning and afternoon teas, are 100% deductible.
Have any questions? Feel free to get in touch at the details below.