Have you done your Christmas housekeeping?

By on 27th November 2024

7 things to check off before you close for Christmas!

With only 3 weeks till Christmas, many businesses are feeling the rush to wrap up any loose ends before the holiday shutdown. So to help, we’ve put together a quick checklist of 7 things you should consider before you close down for Christmas.

1. Chase up unpaid invoices

Try and get as many unpaid invoices paid before Christmas, this will assist your cashflow and get you off to a good start for the New Year.

2. Have you got payroll set up for the holidays?

Double check your holiday pay allowances and calculations. Useful information can be found at: http://www.employment.govt.nz/leave-and-holidays/

3. Does your payday fall on a public holiday?

If payday falls on a public holiday, employees must be paid on the last working day before the public holiday. If it falls during a period of annual leave, the employee is entitled to be paid their holiday pay before the leave begins unless both parties agree that the employee will be paid on their usual pay day.

4. Back up your systems

Make sure you back up your systems, including your client and financial data on all your IT systems and run any anti-virus updates.

5. Talk to your customers

Let your customers know you will be closing down, especially those who are in regular contact.

6. Update your emergency contact details

Make sure your voicemail messages, email out of office and website mention your closing date an emergency contact details. Who in your office is responding to work related emails during the close down?

7. Feeling hectic in the office?

Make the workplace more relaxed in the final few weeks by decorating the office, organising Secret Santa etc.

Have any questions? Feel free to get in touch at the details below.

Call us on 04 4771801 or contact us today